Sunday, December 24, 2006


To Blog or not to Blog?

I realize that it's been months since I've last written here, and it's not only that I don't have any time, but I also wonder if I have anything to say...

I mean, I have a lot to say, a lot is going on, the world is spinning ever onward, but does anyone really need my commentary?

Which leads me to ask myself why I think every entry need be profound. Is profundity overrated?

So here are snippets, purposely superficial:

My kids are wonderful and cute, and growing both too quickly and never quickly enough ;).

I've just finished my second first novel, which has garnered interest. Very exciting, but it won't mean anything until it means something.

I gave to my favorite charities this morning. They are: Doctors without Borders and my new FAVORITE, a group of people that connect loans to people in poor countries, called Kiva. It's a mistake to call it a charity even. You make loans to actual people in whatever increments you like, as low as $25. These loans go directly to people trying to set up/expand business in Africa, or the former Soviet Union, South America, and many other places. And they are loans. They say their repayment rate is 100%. You can roll it over into new charities or take it back. It's really a great organization.

I'd forgotten how fun blogging can be. See ya soon! Oh, and Merry Christmas to all of you, my sons fondly refer to as the "Christmas People." Happy Chanukah too!

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