Monday, September 11, 2006


Fifth Anniversary

I spent all day crying. Everyone I know in NY did. It's amazing how immediate it still feels, and I wonder if it will always be that way. I also wonder how much different it is for the rest of the country.

Every year since, I've watched the reading of the names. How can it be that when I take the boys to school around 9, they're still reading when I finish lunch?

For the last few weeks, I've avoided coverage because I just can't do it for weeks. Today is my day to remember, and I did.

I listened, via satellite to Howard Stern's replay of his broadcast from that day. Of course I hadn't heard it then, because I was riveted to my television and my three-month-old who smiled all that day, while I watched the world crumble. What I got from it was the shock and confusion of those first few hours, when nothing made sense. I forgot that I was worried for my own life that day.

I know of several people who died, but none personally. I feel lucky and guilty about it in equal measure.

Five years later, I just suffer for a day. The widows, the children, the parents, the friends, the coworkers have suffered for five years. Our heart is with you.

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