Saturday, July 08, 2006


Great Things I've Discovered this Week!!

First, and most importantly, my best friend has gotten engaged! I'm thrilled for her. She's waited a long time for this, and I know she will enjoy.

Second, after babysitting for my friend's six-week-old, I am more comfortable than ever with my decision to stop at two.

Secondly, even though my husband's job has made me a figurative single mother (he's never home anymore), part of his benefits include FREE ADMISSION to all the New York City museums and major City attractions! I must say, it's almost worth it.

Now I'm compiling lists of where to take the kids. We've already been to the Museum of Natural History. I think our next stop should be the Bronx Zoo, or the Botanic Gardens, or the... or... wow the list is endless!

If only I could get him to stop working long enough to go.

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