Friday, August 05, 2005



So Bush is on vacation for 33 days! 33 days! How many has he taken thus far? And that's just his summer stint. He also quits work everyday at 5. At 5! He even manages to workout two hours per day. As a freelancer, I couldn't even dream of that kind of day, and with the kids I'm lucky if I manage a shower. There is so much I could say about the sheer unseemliness of any kind of vacation while we're at war, while our soldiers are dying, while the middle-east is on fire. But I won't. I let his actions speak for themselves.

Having said that, we just got back from Baja, cruised the Pacific with the whole clan--mother, sister, brother-in-law, niece, and mother-in-law.

The kids loved it, though their favorite part was the bed that hung from the ceiling. We had a great time too. It was fabulous.

But being Jewish and liberal, I spent much of my time talking to the people that worked on board and feeling guilty.

Here's what we found out:

So I felt like a schmuck the whole time, a horrible person, and yet still managed to have a fabulous time. We're already planning for next year!

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