Thursday, July 07, 2005


My flag...

A moment, before I go on, for our cousins across the pond. May you never be struck again. Sorry we got you involved.

Here's the thing about the flag. It stands for freedom, not Jesus. It stands for a free, unfettered press, not a jailed Judy Miller. And speaking of Ms. Miller, where is the outrage? Where is all the outrage? Focussed on homosexuals?

Let me say this , making gay marriage legal will not send millions of men (or any) flying around with a sudden attraction to each other... And if it does? Well, it's about time that men know what it feels like to not have someone listen to you. And at least the gays aren't having abortions.

And allow me this. There is nothing about my flag that says that they have the right to go around arresting/wiretapping/stripsearching any old Arab they see, or any Peacenik, or even an Angry Mama like me.

It breaks my heart that people aren't yelling any louder, and the people that do (or that get the publicity) are just nuts. Why are we allowing that?

I am a writer, an editor, I write indices for college textbooks. I have a husband, two boys (4 & 2) a dog, a cat, a house, two cars. We go to carnivals, we play with Legos. Why aren't we speaking out?

What is that poem?

They came for the Jews, but I wasn't one so I said nothing...
They came for the Catholics, but I wasn't one so I said nothing...
They came for the Trade Unionists (I know I'm paraphrasing) , and I said nothing...
Now that they've come for me, no one is left to say anything.

So on July 4th I decided I was taking back my flag... Maybe I'll have a burning and quit smoking just to piss them off.

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